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The Gilbert-Ross Lab
Out to lunch!

From the Research of Briana Rackley
A larval wing imaginal disc stained with phalloidin (red) to study actin filament disorganization. This particular disc represents the control genotype in this study, and is characterized by organized actin filaments. This image won 5th place in the Integrated Cellular Imaging Core's university wide image competition in 2017 and was featured on page 14 of the Spring 2017 edition of Winship Magazine.

From the Research of Max Griffin
An eye disc expressing H99 via the eyFLP system. H99 positive clones lack GFP (green), while adjacent wildtype clones do express it. The disc is immunostained against pFAK, as well as a DAPI DNA stain, in red and blue respectively.

The Gilbert-Ross Lab
Out to lunch!
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